Contact Us

If you have questions regarding getting started in DJing, what DJ gear to buy, what software to use, how to mix, how to get gigs or anything else to do with learning to DJ, come and join over 400,000 DJs on our Facebook Page. We’ll be happy to help you there.
If you have questions about our DJ courses or training programmes, or have any other enquiries, please drop us an email at info AT digitaldjtips DOT com, where our support team are ready to assist you.
- Our HQ address is Digital DJ Tips, Suite 3.05, World Trade Center, GIBRALTAR GX11 1AA, Gibraltar*
- Our email address is info at
- Our fiscal address is Digital DJ Holdings Ltd, Suite 3, Second Floor, Icom House, 1/5 Irish Town, Gibraltar GX11 1AA.*
- Our office telephone is +44 (0)808 1640996.
* Please do NOT send unsolicited review samples or other parcels to these addresses.